I am astounded with my ability to procrastinate. I've been procrastinating so much lately with math, science, and piano. You may ask- What's so hard about those things? Well, I don't know, but obviously I'd rather wait around on Facebook or Gaia than actually do something useful. XD
Last night, though, I got the best sleep I've had in a long long long... long long long long... really long time. I do believe I had about five different dreams, and time seemed to pass so slowly. Perhaps it was because I went to bed at ten instead of eleven or twelve -or later- as I so often do. I woke up so refreshed and I finished homework, projects, house cleaning, and piano all in a big sweep of readiness. I still feel great. So maybe sleep has something to do with procrastination. It probably does, because sleep affects your energy level, and if I feel lazy then I'm less likely to get anything done at all.
Hmmm... Maybe... sleep is... good? O_o ... Nah! Just kidding, have a great day, and get some sleep tonight! It's a good thing. (: